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Author Topic: Piers' DooM 3 review  (Read 862 times)

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Piers' DooM 3 review
« on: July 25, 2006, 06:01:34 am »
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Before you ask, I know this game is old. I'm posting this for something to do.

Spoiler warning.

 When playing DooM 3, alot of thoughts came up. At the beginning it was mostly "HOLY !@#$%, WHAT THE !@#$% WAS THAT!" and "DIE MOTHER !@#$% DIE!". Around the middle, I had gotten used to bits of it so it was like "Wow, that was pretty cool" and near the end it was like "Finally.... its over".

 Now can you see whats wrong with that. Most games try and keep your attention the whole way through, but Doom 3 does the complete opposite. The more you play, the more boring it gets. So here is the full review:

Graphics: 9.8/10
 Ok, this is something Id did right. Every piece of the game was totally polished from the shinnyness on the rocks to the scattering of clips on the ground. I spent the first 20 minutes of the game, looking at the beuty of mars and how things worked. Spider bots walking, humans attending there everyday business just added to how realistic the game seemed. Then, when the lights go out, the whole game is heavily shadowed, so zombies wander out of places you'd never expect. You even get spam on your pda, like Happy Birthday and crap. This aspect of the game, they did perfectly.

 A few things I could complain about the graphics, is a few textures seemed a bit rushes, like alot of the doors in delta labs.

Storyline: 6/10
 The storyline is very simple but seems like they took Doom, added a new monster and threw it in there. I gave this a 6 because Doom had a fairly good storyline.

Sounds: 10/10
 I couldn't beleive how realistic this part was. From the beginning there where people talking, doors sliding, pipes creaking from pressure. After hell brakes lose, the closer you get to walls, the louder bullet fire and screaming gets, fire fights from Mars forces fighting back the hell forces. Over the com system, you here people screaming for evac, hold position, asking for orders.

And the sounds change the closer you get to the end. Half way through, theres no more gun rattling since the first fight is over, instead the sounds get more suspenful. Like, how a demon jumps out just as you turn around, after hearing a pipe burst.

Gameplay: 7/10
 Quite a bit of the gameplay seemed recycled from doom and repetative but this starts to end after a while. The cooler the demons and weapons, the funner it gets. At the beginning, the gameplay is very fun, blasting enemies with a shotgun. The middle, it gets sortive repetative, but a new demon comes out making it funner. The end, its still fun but VERY repetative. Walk into room, something pops up, kill it, turn on flashlight, look into dark, see zombie, kill zombie, walk out.

The ending made me wanting more though, which I plan on getting the expansion pack soon.

Ending comment:
 This game is ment for those who want a cheap scare or something to do on a friday night. The fragging zombies is very fun, and as much as people disagree, it never gets repetative for me. The gameplay does get repetative, but nothing beats killing a zombie after a while. Sounds are sick along with the graphics.

I rate it:


Re: Piers' DooM 3 review
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2006, 06:17:54 am »
review is very reasonable =]. I agree with your score.
Re: Piers' DooM 3 review
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2006, 08:54:27 pm »
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I'm still playing this, got it for Christmas but didn't have much interest in it.  I love the graphics and music although some of the demons look a little rough when they get closer.  Especially the Imps....

You could have gone into more depth on the story and work on spelling/grammar.  It's hard to respect the opinion of someone that says stuff like "sortive" and "attending there everyday business."  It's not to big of a deal but try working on it.  When I was working on my Pirates review for Frider Waves I used "Spearow" instead of "Sparrow" through the entire review, thankfully Kyle caught it before he posted it.  >_< 

Re: Piers' DooM 3 review
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2006, 05:41:48 am »
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I'm still playing this, got it for Christmas but didn't have much interest in it.  I love the graphics and music although some of the demons look a little rough when they get closer.  Especially the Imps....

You could have gone into more depth on the story and work on spelling/grammar.  It's hard to respect the opinion of someone that says stuff like "sortive" and "attending there everyday business."  It's not to big of a deal but try working on it.  When I was working on my Pirates review for Frider Waves I used "Spearow" instead of "Sparrow" through the entire review, thankfully Kyle caught it before he posted it.  >_< 

The imps didn't look great but either did the wraiths when you get close enough to their mouths. (Too pointy) But the Hell Knights, they're a sight to behold. (For those who can get close enough, you can practicly see the veins popping out)

 On a forum, I really have never cared about grammar. If I was writing a book or something, sure, but if its just a place to screw around with friends and exchange opinions I don't care, you should be allowed to shorten words, and spell things how you want to spell them. This does not include going off the band wagon and talking l!k3 th!$. Also, I didn't revise or edit this.

 About that storyline, I didn't want to ruin it for some random person who clicked on this topic. (Though, I barely understood any of it. The game really lacks story telling. Half the time, I didn't know who the enemy was)
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