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Author Topic: Overuse of guitar in music?  (Read 9353 times)

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Overuse of guitar in music?
« on: April 10, 2006, 10:00:56 am »
So, how do you feel about the overuse of the guitar in modern music?

Since... I dunno.... the thirties? The guitar has dominated music. It's hard to find popular music these days without some description of guitar instrument involved somewhere, and some feel that it's been overdone. How do you feel about it?

Personally, yes, I believe that originality is lacking in a lot of guitar music these days, but often you find guitar music doing something original. It's still a versatile instrument, and I believe there's much left to do with it. That, and it's still a powerful instrument for supporting other instruments.
Re: Overuse of guitar in music?
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2006, 10:05:25 am »
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Hmm, the guitar is a great instrument. But its a lot of the same usually.

But theres a difference between electrical and acoustic.


Re: Overuse of guitar in music?
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2006, 03:51:50 pm »
I think there isn't enough variety in todays music in general. Almost no music takes any risk in doing something different.  There are some bands, and I dont like how they dont really get recognized for doing something great and different.
Re: Overuse of guitar in music?
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2006, 06:06:16 pm »
  • The Broken King
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Guitar is an awesome instrument, and that is why it's mainstream. Is it overdone? My guess would be yes. But there's a reason that it's overdone. It's overdone because people like it. Perhaps music is getting stagnang; I don't think so. If guitar was the only instrument that was used, then I would agree. But through the use of other instruments, such as horns, piano, drums, cymbals, orchestras, synthesizers etc., the music stays interesting. And there is a lot that can be done with a guitar, and there are many different kind of guitars.

In the past, certain instruments still 'dominated'. Classical music used a lot of the same instruments (Example: piano) in most of the pieces. It's because the instrument fits well with the sound that is trying to be created.

There is music available today that does not feature the guitar at all, or as extensively. Take classical music, and jazz, for example (and yes, there is new classical). And there are bands that use additional instruments to make their music more complex - for example, Rhapsody. there are options out there if you want to listen to music without guitar. The thing is, most people want the guitar in their music. That is why it is popular. It's the masses that make the decision, and the masses like guitar. If guitar were truly 'overused', people would stop listening to it, and it woudl no long be popular.
  • Broken Kings [Temp Site]


Re: Overuse of guitar in music?
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2006, 06:09:40 pm »
They should use the steel guitar :P

and yeah i think guitars are overused :P
Re: Overuse of guitar in music?
« Reply #5 on: April 10, 2006, 11:38:56 pm »
  • Huzzowee!
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The guitar is used everywhere because it sounds good. However, there is a huge lack of original guitaring these days. If it weren't for the likes of Joe Satriani, John Pettrucci and Steve Vai, the skilled guitar artists of days gone by would be almost dead. Nowadays everything is all just 3 simple chords (often power chords), maybe a couple of notes in the medley, but not that much. It actually seems to me that the voice is dominating. Most of the new music I hear has the voice carry the enitre song with the instruments as support. If you listen the the classic hits of Led Zeppelin, Rush, The Who, Pink Floyd and the other legendary rock groups, you would notice that the singing is shared with the others as an instrument itself. The tone, the lyrics, the rythm, they are all applied in the same way as a guitar would be. If you want a good example of new music that still portrays this you should check out Sam Roberts' new one called "The Cage". Compared to their old stuff it's way better. That's not the poinht I'm tryign to make though.

Guitars aren't over-used now, they're just misused. A good guitarist should be ableto go hand-in-hand wih the vocals to set the melody. This happens very little now.

BTW - One thing that's truly gone away is awesome borderline-melodic basslines that were started by the likes of Geddy Lee... yeah...
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Re: Overuse of guitar in music?
« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2006, 03:45:54 am »
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Funny how all of you fail to mention the music scene beyond mainstream. Slipknot is not metal. Metallica is not the only metal band in existance. There is a lot of original guitar work out there but you have to LOOK for it. In a way this is sad, since the bands that do new and talented things guitar wise and otherwise are not recognized. At the same time though, I am somewhat glad they are not known by the mainstream. Being known by thousands of people who pretend to be fans tends to ruin bands. When I listen to bands such as Disillusion, Equilibrium and Elvenking, I hear good music. I hear decent guitar. All of these bands have released good albums in the past two years.

As for guitar in modern music, yes, there is a lot of it. Do I think it is too much? No. I personally love my music with guitar in it. I like variation, however. What they mix with the guitar matters as does the talent. If they can pull off amazing vocal styles, that may work for them. Or maybe they incorperate a rarely heard instrument into their music, such as In Extremo with their bagpipes. (I didn't think a band could put bagpipes into their music so flawlessly... it took me a few songs to realize I was listening to bagpipes in the music... and that I was REALLY liking it.) Maybe the music is simple but the lyrics have true meaning behind them.

For people who listen only to the mainstream, yes, today's music is bland, I will even go as far as saying a lot of it sucks. If one delves deeper into the music not everyone listens to, one will often find that good music still lives, however.
  • cpprograms


Re: Overuse of guitar in music?
« Reply #7 on: April 11, 2006, 12:05:09 pm »
Yeah, they are. They're even in most rap music also. :P
Re: Overuse of guitar in music?
« Reply #8 on: April 11, 2006, 09:02:57 pm »
  • Huzzowee!
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There is a lot of original guitar work out there but you have to LOOK for it.
That's why I mentioned Satch and Eric Johnson. No one listens to them, yet they're musical geniuses! Then if you have the classic G3 trio consisting of Satch, Vai and Satrianni, you're in for a great time.

Also, I forgot to mention that here, one of the radio stations (CHOM 97.7) plays a lot of local music, some of which is from french bands. A lot of it is great, they just haven't gotten out there yet.
"They say 'Don't sweat the little things!', but in the end, the little things are all that matter..."
Re: Overuse of guitar in music?
« Reply #9 on: April 11, 2006, 09:15:23 pm »
  • The Broken King
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Another thing to keep in mind is that complexity is not necessarily better. In some cases, three simple chords can be as effective as a complex, high speed guitar solo, dependant on the song. And some people don't like music where the guitar player has to have a high speed solo for a minute or two every time. It just doesn't interest some people as much. There really is no right or wrong answer for this, because it's all about personal preference. there is music available out there for pretty muc everybody; some people like it complex, some like it simple.
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Re: Overuse of guitar in music?
« Reply #10 on: April 11, 2006, 09:48:22 pm »
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Very true, trw. And I've yet to hear modern rap with guitar in it. Just some stinky sound effects strung together to almost sound like music >_>

Also, I forgot to mention that here, one of the radio stations (CHOM 97.7) plays a lot of local music, some of which is from french bands. A lot of it is great, they just haven't gotten out there yet.
Getting a little off topic but you'd probably like Jamendo. They're a free (legal - creative commons liscence) music site that features whatever bands submit their music. I've found some great bands on there... and of course a decent sized chunk of it is in french (the music, not the site) That's what made me think of it, strangely enough.
  • cpprograms


Re: Overuse of guitar in music?
« Reply #11 on: April 11, 2006, 09:58:53 pm »
Very true, trw. And I've yet to hear modern rap with guitar in it. Just some stinky sound effects strung together to almost sound like music >_>

I'm not really sure what you mean by "rap"... I think what you mean is hip-hop, though. I've yet to hear any modern hip-hop with guitar in it, but that might just be because I don't listen to any. On the other hand, I've heard a lot of guitar-based music with rapping in it.
Re: Overuse of guitar in music?
« Reply #12 on: April 14, 2006, 10:51:10 pm »
  • Issac_Amisov
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Well, of course its overused! But it still should dominate music, there are a billion different combinations of riffs, there are new riffs people come up with, I mean... Its not like there isint anything left... Guitar has only been dominating for the last 75 years. Thats not that bad. Piano dominated for like 300 years.


Re: Overuse of guitar in music?
« Reply #13 on: April 14, 2006, 10:57:13 pm »
Well, of course its overused! But it still should dominate music, there are a billion different combinations of riffs, there are new riffs people come up with, I mean... Its not like there isint anything left... Guitar has only been dominating for the last 75 years. Thats not that bad. Piano dominated for like 300 years.

But piano is an incredibly versatile instrument. There's a reason why it dominated for so long.

Besides, new riffs and new combinations of riffs aren't neccesarily anything really new in the music. It all sounds the same after a while.


Re: Overuse of guitar in music?
« Reply #14 on: April 15, 2006, 02:18:45 am »
But piano is an incredibly versatile instrument. There's a reason why it dominated for so long.
I agree.  And it is still around quite frequently!  In fact, in the movie industry it's making a return in soundtracks!

I wouldn't say that the guitar's overused, but rather provides a popular style.  Popular styles are the most successful, so we hear it the most.


Re: Overuse of guitar in music?
« Reply #15 on: April 16, 2006, 12:13:54 am »
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Besides, new riffs and new combinations of riffs aren't neccesarily anything really new in the music. It all sounds the same after a while.

Stop listening to the radio and start listening to music you actually like. You'll find a lot of different sounds out there. There are many different guitar styles and riffs and other things like that. Melodic Death Metal and Hard Rock both have guitars in them, but I don't think I can find a single person that will tell me those two genres sound the same. There's also the difference between acoustic and electric guitars. Music in some genres do tend to blend together, I'll admit that. Some genres you can always find something new in, however. If nothing else listen to some folk influenced music or techno, stuff that isn't really listened to a lot. I've found bands that incorperated things I NEVER thought I could hear in good music. I've found metal with bagpipes in it that was done very well before, which really shocked me. (In Extremo) There's also decent bands with stuff such as violins (Korpiklaani) and flutes (Equilibrium and many others) and other rather unique instruments. I'm a very avid music listener, and I can tell you for a fact you haven't heard everything out there.

(Note that I don't say that I have either, and I know for a fact I haven't heard everything, and I doubt I ever will.)
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Re: Overuse of guitar in music?
« Reply #16 on: April 16, 2006, 07:28:51 pm »
  • Huzzowee!
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Stop listening to the radio and start listening to music you actually like.
But the radio plays almost all of the music I like :D. Zeppelin, AC/DC, Rush... I like almost everything they play, and things I don't like come on very rarely. I'm lucky to live here where I can get such an awesome station.

I'm just going to throw out two Satch examples of how there are a noble few keeping guitar fresh and original:
Searching by Joe Satriani
Super Colossal by Joe Satriani (click to listen to that one)

In a lot of new songs (especially pop and the like), they get some generic guitarist and say "Alright, the song is in this key, throw down a few chords for it" and then the singer just sings over that. If you listen to a real guitarist though, you can hear some incredible works.
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Re: Overuse of guitar in music?
« Reply #17 on: April 16, 2006, 08:21:34 pm »
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Nice... even the best stations here still don't play much good music. Even if they did I'd still listen to a lot of my own, as no radio station I've ever heard has enough variety for me :P Plus I can choose to listen to what I feel like rather than something some random DJ who I may or may not hate feels like >.>
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Re: Overuse of guitar in music?
« Reply #18 on: April 16, 2006, 08:24:44 pm »
  • Fendez Coder
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meh, I love guitar. I play it for 4-6 hours a day. I never go a day without playing it...this is why 90% of the music I listen to is very guitar dominated.

so i don't think it's over-used, but then most of the music I listen to is actually meant to be about the guitar lol

that's not to say I don't appreciate other music without guitars though...I love classical music for instance, although then what do I do? - I go learn to play it on guitar  ;D

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Re: Overuse of guitar in music?
« Reply #19 on: April 16, 2006, 10:29:10 pm »
  • Lul
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meh, I love guitar. I play it for 4-6 hours a day. I never go a day without playing it...this is why 90% of the music I listen to is very guitar dominated.

so i don't think it's over-used, but then most of the music I listen to is actually meant to be about the guitar lol

that's not to say I don't appreciate other music without guitars though...I love classical music for instance, although then what do I do? - I go learn to play it on guitar  ;D

Classical music on guitar would sound great! Never heard someone play any classical song on guitar but it would be awesome :P
Hmm, I wonder how F??r Elise would sound like on guitar :P

I don't mind the guitar being overused in music, I just like it. But I barely hear the acoustic guitar being used, that would be pretty cool.

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