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Author Topic: Why you're best off using GM.  (Read 9355 times)

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Re: Why you're best off using GM.
« Reply #20 on: April 26, 2006, 12:33:41 pm »
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You are NOT limited at Game Maker
Try returning an array FOOL :-p.
And you have, lets see... No OOP constructs, no dynamic memory allocation, bloody slow, no pointers, ...etcetera, etcetera...

To be honest only a bloody fool would say you arent limited in GM.
You aren't limited in GM. :P

You've obviously never programmed with a real lanaguge (as oppossed to a scripting language). But hey, its not my problem, if you wish to use it go ahead.

Either that or your just taking the mick out off my bloody fool comment XD.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2006, 12:36:19 pm by Helios »
Re: Why you're best off using GM.
« Reply #21 on: April 26, 2006, 12:39:53 pm »
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You are NOT limited at Game Maker
Try returning an array FOOL :-p.
And you have, lets see... No OOP constructs, no dynamic memory allocation, bloody slow, no pointers, ...etcetera, etcetera...

To be honest only a bloody fool would say you arent limited in GM.
You aren't limited in GM. :P
Compared to languages that actually acces the computer, Gm is ferily limited. Sure it can do anything that you need in a video game but when it comes down to try and make applications or wide-open oblivion style terrain GM is very limited.

 This can be proving by trying to make huge mountains on GM (In 3d) then trying to do it on C# or C++ or whatever. What one will really run faster and/or better?

I use GM because I don't need anything else. I don't want to make huge 3d open enviorments I want to do 2d fan games.

Even if I want to do 3d I ain't going to no real lanuguage. I'm going to move back to blitz 3d.


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Re: Why you're best off using GM.
« Reply #22 on: April 26, 2006, 03:51:40 pm »
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Exactly piers.

Piers uses GM, with his rational justification, (in the way that the first post by Fish noted).
He isnt claiming things which arent true based on limited knowledge.

Dont take (most of ;) ) this post as a bash against GM. Im stating

Quoting Scooternew. Sorry man. Nothing personal of course. However :) :

Yes, maybe higher level languages give you bragigng rights and require more skill
Lower level.
GM = Uber High level 'language'.

but I don't see the point in writing thousands of lines of coding, which takes months and months, rather than having nearly as much capability, maybe minus some speed here and there, the second you want to
A programmer can mix up a good enough engine for a 2d fan game in 2 days, although it'd lackcertain things.
Still, a month for one thats many times faster than gm, allowing many more effects and is far easier to use, is fine. Esp as it can be used again and again. Alternatively, download someone elses and get started...
Sprite spr("meh.bmp",16,16);
Wouldnt take months as long as class Sprite already exists, and unlike GM....memory leaks wouldnt be a (noticable) bonus feature.
Again, think about creating a base engine for walking. It could take weeks or months in C++, but it could take 20 miuntes in GML. Neither with any speed loss.
As before for the time. Speed loss? try 500 frames per second loss (not that i let games run at that speed, just that with nothing but a walking player they can).

time. Not everyone has infinite time at his/her fingertips.
Programming languages are the solution to this problem.
With standard abstract container libraries & algorithms (functions and functors acceptable as parameters to a function: equivelant to having a variable of code), and object orientated concepts, not only can the final layer of a program appear simple and more in tune with human nature, but it can be created in less time, and be much safer and more reliable, not to mention re-usable.
These kinds of shared code benifits can be done with scripts, but well, then its harder, and not as easy to read (othr than for those who dont know what a,b,c do).

I applaud those who have the time and patience to write an engine from scratch, but I think it is against humanity to have to work that hard on something for 7 months that you can also do in 5 minutes.
I point you to me and the two weeks i spent on a game in the 2005 game comp, using opengl and win32 api. Two weeks. Not 7 months.
Takes 7 months to learn how to do it, not to actually do it. And once youve done it one or two times, maybe what youve made is as you desire, and you wotn have to do it again for a great deal of time, at which point you can program games faster than a GM user, whith a great deal of abstraction towards reality on your side to make things extra easy.

Again, Game Maker only puts out crappy quality based on the quality of the creator's programming skill.
C++ is my favourite language. It has this problem itself, and its very easy to make a bad program with, and write very horrible code with (format is. Thats what makes it so pleasurable to write efficient and readable code. But you have a notable point there. The product should be judged, not just the time, memory abuse, and long term affects on the users mental state :) . Although a well made GM game would still suffer waste of memory and limited framerates, the target user wouldnt be that bothered. Like Java games on phones (although the speed and compatibility benifits there saves lots of money )

tend to think that Game Maker programmers are too stupid to program quality, efficiently-run games. Unfortunately, this isn't true, and I don't always love the patronizing
'efficiently-run' cannot be done in GM any easier than it can in C. DLLs...otherwise efficiency is a sacrafice of using GM.

People who know c++ decently but GML much better might prefer GML, and make better games because of it
Then their meaning of 'decent' is skewed, IMO; Or they think they know more than they do, which can common with people who expect to jump straight into media handling and try allegro or sdl right away after something like gm. Theres alot of practice nessecary to reach a stage of understanding in how to maximise the state of both a program/library and its code for developing significantly sized programs.

You want to choose between a gas station automatic car wash or a hand car wash
Changing your analogy to suit my comments: You want to choose between an auto car wash with one setting, or making your own with several settings and using it as it, right in your garden where that rose bush used to be.


Quote from: Helios
only a bloody fool would say you arent limited in GM.
I say, one with child-like ignorance ( Only children grow up ).  ::)

Quote from: Fish
Are you saying that if you have a variable named 'pants' somewhere in your code, and then you dimension a second variable named 'pants' in another subroutine, and you change the value of the second 'pants', you will change the first one as well?! That would be a terrible nuisance!
Seriously? oooooooommmmmmmmfffffffffffggggggggg.
-Part of me just died.
Usefull, but implemented in such a horribly careless and unconsiderable manner.

If you dont want to make things yourself, you could avoid the limitations of gm and use a blitzbasic language.
Some Limitations in its oop (Why no privates? Who many seconds could it take to implement that in the comiler? >~< ), but not too long to learn if your eager, and you get the efficiency you want.
I aknowledge the usefullness of GM.
The limitations are there. It is =>usefull to some and not to others. I dont find it from my view usefull for some programs and not others, as with enough pre-written code i could always get games of even tiny size done quicker. Still, Its a practical tool for, say, PC tetris or pac man even where someone can work in a lower level language.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2006, 03:56:04 pm by aab »

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.... I ♥ Sol ? wtf how long has that been there? >_> *rrrrrrrrar*
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Re: Why you're best off using GM.
« Reply #23 on: April 26, 2006, 03:59:05 pm »
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Well i think aab pretty much just wrapped everything up. Good post :P.
Re: Why you're best off using GM.
« Reply #24 on: April 26, 2006, 06:53:56 pm »
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Either that or your just taking the mick out off my bloody fool comment XD.

I was just as you said taking the mick out off your bloody fool comment. :D GM May be limited but I never saw it.  ::)
« Last Edit: April 26, 2006, 08:02:32 pm by Hyrule_boy »
Re: Why you're best off using GM.
« Reply #25 on: April 26, 2006, 08:00:55 pm »
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So GML isn't a "real" language? The last time I checked, I could type and program in it. It seemed real to me.

Well, aab:


We agree to disagree. I say Game Maker (GML, its language) is better as a whole (IN A PACKAGE, NOT BY ITSELF). I guess I have a biased opinion since I don't really know C++ very well (just minor console functions). I plan on learning it fully as a hobby, and maybe I won't be so biased.

Still friends aab and Helios?

Well, I'm pulling out of this. I respect both C++ and Game Maker, Game Maker is just so much easier and time efficient for me. It offers pretty much all of the functionality I need, and I feel like I accomplish something when I program even though it may not be as tough as other langauges.

Speaking of which - aab or Helios, do either of you know a good online C++ tutorial? Also, Helios, I know you are a fan of Blitzmax - how much does it cost?
« Last Edit: April 26, 2006, 08:06:43 pm by Scooternew »
Re: Why you're best off using GM.
« Reply #26 on: April 26, 2006, 08:02:54 pm »
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GML is just as real as ZFGC!
Re: Why you're best off using GM.
« Reply #27 on: April 26, 2006, 08:14:52 pm »
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So GML isn't a "real" language? The last time I checked, I could type and program in it. It seemed real to me.
its not real, as-in its not compiled. its an interpreted scripting language.

Still friends aab and Helios?
Yep :)

Speaking of which - aab or Helios, do either of you know a good online C++ tutorial?
Use google theres tons :).

Also, Helios, I know you are a fan of Blitzmax - how much does it cost?
BMax is around ??60.
Re: Why you're best off using GM.
« Reply #28 on: April 26, 2006, 08:18:46 pm »
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I guess the main reason that I'm stuck on GM is time. I can't find good tutorials (or the time to learn good tutorials) to learn C++. I really wonder sometimes how aab learned C++. I also don't to teach myself the fundementals incorectly. I'm sure I could learn it if I found lots of information, just as I taught myself GML completely. I've got the brains, just not the...time...and energy.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2006, 08:35:57 pm by Scooternew »


Re: Why you're best off using GM.
« Reply #29 on: April 26, 2006, 08:36:16 pm »
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Code: [Select]
Sprite spr("meh.bmp",16,16);

I actually made that >_>.
Well not that, but I've made something do that :-p.
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Re: Why you're best off using GM.
« Reply #30 on: April 26, 2006, 08:39:55 pm »
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GM makes games. C++ is used for much more things for games. This is like comparing flash and gm which I have learned doesnt work. Yeah, flash can make games, but it is much more usefull for making animations. GM is used for making games. C++ IS much harder. It is also more rewarding though. C++ can acess things on the internet, multiplayer stuffs. Alot of stuff that gm doesnt do. Lots of cool stuff in C++. I dislike the fact that gm gives the users a drag and drop system. It doesnt teach good skills, at least thats what I think. It teaches people to be lazy and not code. I know many people disagree, but D&D seems pointless for 2d games. For 3d I understand, 3d is very hard to do.
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Re: Why you're best off using GM.
« Reply #31 on: April 27, 2006, 10:28:39 pm »
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I'm not bashing C++ (I like C++), but merely pointing out some technicalities again:

things on the internet, multiplayer stuffs
Game Maker CAN do this.

I dislike the fact that gm gives the users a drag and drop system. It doesnt teach good skills, at least thats what I think. It teaches people to be lazy and not code
It doesn't teach bad skills - you can't really compare Drag and Drop to coding at all. It is just an option for beginners, which is why Game Maker has its own programming language for the non-beginners. Everything I write in Game maker is code, and that stays the same for anyone who uses it to make quailty games.

Game Maker wans't built to be hard, it was built DIRECTLY at making games. It runs the gamut of D&D for basic necessities and coding for "infinite" (not literally) expandability.

Game Maker can also program in 3D. Especially with DLL's.

I think the issue is what is better overall. C++ is better overall for making "things", but I still believe Game Maker is better for making games, as Game Maker was designed for it, but C++ was designed with no purpose in mind rather than making a good language. Which is why it can do what it does, which is why it is lower level language, etc.
Re: Why you're best off using GM.
« Reply #32 on: April 28, 2006, 05:42:43 am »
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Scooternew your post made an end of the discussion! :D
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