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Should the game be in Hyrule or Tech city

- 19 (70.4%)
Tech city
- 8 (29.6%)

Total Members Voted: 21

Voting closed: January 27, 2007, 10:01:36 pm

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Author Topic: The Lengend of Zelda : No title yet  (Read 3352 times)

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The Lengend of Zelda : No title yet
« on: October 19, 2006, 10:01:36 pm »
The game starts off One hundred years in the future and you start off as the decendant of Link and he at school in a area some what like Tokyo and the Main character is famous for a game called Mechanism  in this game you fight with a weapon that looks like a Corny Dog and  you fight your opponents till they lose all there machanisms the mechanisms make your weapon stronger and if you dont have any mechisms your wepon starts get slow so anyway you fight this kid your rival and you two make a bet that whoever loses has to leave the city for a month and you lose well actually the game forces you to lose (lol) then you have to leave and you meet a gang that want to kill you but they dont get to cause  you tell the police on your cellphone and when the police get there they through you down a ditch where you find a humonges rock so you pick it up and you see a Ice cube and you see some thing inside of it you wanna know what it is and you crack it open and you see a boy and a day later he wakes up while your a sleep and makes a shed not a good one and you wake up inside of it and you ask what time is it and he says I dont know I dont even know where I am and you say tech city and he says huh and he ask where you are from and he says hyrule you say shut up thats just a farie tale whats your name any ways and he says Im Link yours and you say WWWWHHATTTT your my great great great great great great Granfa nothing never mind Umm never mind Oh my name is Kai Link says you said that twice you say O my bad we gotta get you dressed in some real clothe.

Sprite style: Minish Cap

cool info : you can change your clothe in the game and actually see it your partners fight with you not just talk.

Main characters:Tetra/Sheik, Kai, Seth, Link(he has a cool costume called Arachnee man like spiderman), Ect.

The cut screens or whatever you call em are in 3D

ask any questions.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2006, 11:17:25 pm by Alpha365 »
Re: The Lengend of Zelda : No title yet
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2006, 10:48:25 am »
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First of all, it's the Legend of Zelda, not the Lengend of Zelda :P. Also... your poll has two options, Tech city and Hyrule, but you can vote on both options.

But, anyway, I don't really like the sound of the game at all, but in any case it's always good to have new Zelda fangames.

100 years in the future? Last time I checked, the last Zelda game didn't take place in the 1900s. Also, 100 years in the future from what time, exactly?

Please plan this out a bit more.

And Spiderman Link? Sorry, I just don't see it.

Please don't take this as a flame, I just don't think this wil be very great. Sorry :-\.
Re: The Lengend of Zelda : No title yet
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2006, 11:07:54 am »
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Yeah I think that you should go for this even though it will probably not be very intreresting as cb43569 said Spiderman Link NO NO NO NOOOOOO


Re: The Lengend of Zelda : No title yet
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2006, 01:49:34 pm »
The spiderman link was my moms idea. I do argee some of the over stuff is crappy but these are ideas that popped up in my head I'll do what ever I can change it and make it better just give me more ideas. Later in the game Kai takes link back to the past and
soon as they get there they see links mom she falls down in front of the deku tree and talks blablaablaa and dies lol Link says he wants to go back to the time he was frozen and they go back and they see tetra sad cuz links all frozen and they go up to her and shes all happy but she tells link when he was frozen something happened with triforce the triforce of courage was turned into ten stones then link looks at his left hand and there was nothing there when the triforce of courage should uv been and they go back to the time machine but it has no energy to take them back and link faints then kai gets a log and wacks links head then link gets up and looks at the fuel and fasint again then tetra chunks a rock at em and.
 thats all i can right
Re: The Lengend of Zelda : No title yet
« Reply #4 on: October 20, 2006, 03:12:47 pm »
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you may select up to two options....there are only two options...see your mistake? lol
« Last Edit: November 08, 2006, 03:02:13 pm by Uppy »

Re: The Lengend of Zelda : No title yet
« Reply #5 on: October 20, 2006, 03:42:48 pm »
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Erm... sorry, but this storyline is all messed up. It has no real meaning or explanation. You see an ice cube under an enormous rock (How did you move the rock?), you open it to see what's inside, you see a boy? Did he come from inside the ice cube? How? If not, what does teh ice cube have to do with anything? Why weren't you worried about being hurt after being thrown at an enormous rock? Link goes forward in time through an ice cube to meet with his great-great-great-great-etc.-grandson??? How did he build a shed anyway? This all sounds pretty ridiculous.
Re: The Lengend of Zelda : No title yet
« Reply #6 on: October 20, 2006, 04:28:55 pm »
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The game starts off One hundred years in the future and you start off as the decendant of Link and he at school in a area some what like Tokyo and the Main character is famous for a game called Mechanism  in this game you fight with a weapon that looks like a Corny Dog and  you fight your opponents till they lose all there machanisms the mechanisms make your weapon stronger and if you dont have any mechisms your wepon starts get slow so anyway you fight this kid your rival and you two make a bet that whoever loses has to leave the city for a month and you lose well actually the game forces you to lose (lol) then you have to leave and you meet a gang that want to kill you but they dont get to cause  you tell the police on your cellphone and when the police get there they through you down a ditch where you find a humonges rock so you pick it up and you see a Ice cube and you see some thing inside of it you wanna know what it is and you crack it open and you see a boy and a day later he wakes up while your a sleep and makes a shed not a good one and you wake up inside of it and you ask what time is it and he says I dont know I dont even know where I am and you say tech city and he says huh and he ask where you are from and he says hyrule you say shut up thats just a farie tale whats your name any ways and he says Im Link yours and you say WWWWHHATTTT your my great great great great great great Granfa nothing never mind Umm never mind Oh my name is Kai Link says you said that twice you say O my bad we gotta get you dressed in some real clothe.
That has to be the most bizarre thing I've ever read in my life.

Still, you get a point for making me laugh.   ;D
« Last Edit: October 20, 2006, 05:36:01 pm by King Mob »


Re: The Lengend of Zelda : No title yet
« Reply #7 on: October 20, 2006, 06:32:25 pm »
SRY I was typin fast im only 11 years old and these are ideas and things that I might change later in the future Geez gimme a break.

King Tetiro

Leader of Phoenix Heart
Re: The Lengend of Zelda : No title yet
« Reply #8 on: October 20, 2006, 06:46:23 pm »
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11 Years old? I started when I was 15, come on people, he's only 11, so give him a break!

Good work on the story.
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Re: The Lengend of Zelda : No title yet
« Reply #9 on: October 20, 2006, 07:49:35 pm »
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SRY I was typin fast im only 11 years old and these are ideas and things that I might change later in the future Geez gimme a break.
Actually, it seems like we're being mean, but we're trying to help you. This story makes really very little sense and sounds absurd, none of us wants this topic to erupt into a flame war, and if you turned this into a great game, we wouldn't want to see it go either. The thing is, it sounds like you have an interesting idea there with that game that some guy challenges you to if that's what it was. Why don't you work on that instead and turn it into an original game? Because the storyline doesn't fit the Legend of Zelda series in any way at all.
Re: The Lengend of Zelda : No title yet
« Reply #10 on: October 21, 2006, 03:38:38 am »
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100 years in the future?thats it and its this high tech....wow.
i think you should add more time to that.100 hundred years ago today isnt like it how was in zelda.

  • Hotpiebob


Re: The Lengend of Zelda : No title yet
« Reply #11 on: October 22, 2006, 03:15:06 am »
This may be my first post, but let me point out some flaws in your story, for there are many. First, your grammar is horrible. I got lost in all the "lols" and spelling errors. Second, you have no plot whatsoever. It made me want to gouge my eyes out. Finally, it looks like a half-assed idea, generated from sheer boredom. Come back later when you have your ideas sorted out.
Re: The Lengend of Zelda : No title yet
« Reply #12 on: October 24, 2006, 08:19:40 pm »
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How about you do something original?
Re: The Lengend of Zelda : No title yet
« Reply #13 on: October 25, 2006, 09:58:08 pm »
  • Issac_Amisov
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Hey! It's that !@#$% retard idiot, I thought you quit dumbass.

Issac, cut the flaming.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2006, 11:47:56 pm by MiNalien »
Re: The Lengend of Zelda : No title yet
« Reply #14 on: October 25, 2006, 11:50:48 pm »
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Knock it off, both of you.  Issac_Amisov, you were flaming. 

Aedious, I think that you were going for constructive criticism.  The story is hard to read as there is virtually no punctuation and the spelling errors are rampant.  People may think that your opinion is wrong, but quite frankly, it is very right.  I think that you would have to be here longer before people could understand you better though; even if you were here before, some people may need help remembering.

Now, back on topic time.  I would have an on-topic post, but to do that I would have to drudge through his original post to understand what he was talking about.  But whatever, let's all try to go in the direction of being somewhat on-topic!
Re: The Lengend of Zelda : No title yet
« Reply #15 on: October 26, 2006, 07:22:34 am »
  • I need something new to put here...
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*Ahem... I'm 12 years old, so I find offense in the fact that your saying you're only 11 as a defence. This will make others think "his only a little kid. all little kids must be dumb shits." which frankly pisses me off!
Spiderman link? your mom? hold on. this seems like a 5 year old to me! I mean... you listened to your mom saying that you should put spiderman and link together. like a toddlers idea of a king of superpowered dudes. I mean... spiderman is a movie which is copyrighted by the company who made it, and legend of zelda is copyrighted by nintendo.
100 years and humans have got that far? I would've thought that they atleast would've blown the whole place up at least once with all the A-bombs and the humanity... LoZ has gone about 300 years length in their games. what with ocarina... then the sea comes for WW, then it's gone for TP... and look! then in a simple 100 years they have time machines and robots... its already taken us about 1000-2000 years from the middle ages... and we haven't got all technical corn dogs!
I'll conclude this for you:
GO HOME! Learn the time diffrence between 1. The far future and the far past! 2. spidey man and Link, and learn the nature of zelda. just learn heaps of stuff, don't use age as an excuse, don't exceed your phisical limitations, i mean... if you think 100 years is enough time for evolution.. how are you supposed to make 3d? proove that we will be able to do that much in 100 years without killing the human race and every !@#$% other thing off first!
Re: The Lengend of Zelda : No title yet
« Reply #16 on: October 26, 2006, 01:44:18 pm »
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*Ahem... I'm 12 years old, so I find offense in the fact that your saying you're only 11 as a defence. This will make others think "his only a little kid. all little kids must be dumb poos." which frankly pisses me off!
Spiderman link? your mom? hold on. this seems like a 5 year old to me! I mean... you listened to your mom saying that you should put spiderman and link together. like a toddlers idea of a king of superpowered dudes. I mean... spiderman is a movie which is copyrighted by the company who made it, and legend of zelda is copyrighted by nintendo.
100 years and humans have got that far? I would've thought that they atleast would've blown the whole place up at least once with all the A-bombs and the humanity... LoZ has gone about 300 years length in their games. what with ocarina... then the sea comes for WW, then it's gone for TP... and look! then in a simple 100 years they have time machines and robots... its already taken us about 1000-2000 years from the middle ages... and we haven't got all technical corn dogs!
I'll conclude this for you:
GO HOME! Learn the time diffrence between 1. The far future and the far past! 2. spidey man and Link, and learn the nature of zelda. just learn heaps of stuff, don't use age as an excuse, don't exceed your phisical limitations, i mean... if you think 100 years is enough time for evolution.. how are you supposed to make 3d? proove that we will be able to do that much in 100 years without killing the human race and every funking other thing off first!

He meant one hundred years from now, obviously.
Re: The Lengend of Zelda : No title yet
« Reply #17 on: October 26, 2006, 02:58:02 pm »
  • Oh.
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11 Years old? I started when I was 15, come on people, he's only 11, so give him a break!

Good work on the story.
I started when I was 11 also!
Can he even program a game?
I hate Game Maker >:O!!!!  Don't use it if you can program a game anywayz.
None of the games made from 6 run on my CPU
And wtf is Spiderman link?  Sirkildar is right about the all little kids must be dumb poos.
Re: The Lengend of Zelda : No title yet
« Reply #18 on: October 27, 2006, 06:02:04 pm »
  • Issac_Amisov
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Wow... uhmm.. Yah. Good... Luck?

I hope you get better at ideas and then you can contribute something.
Re: The Lengend of Zelda : No title yet
« Reply #19 on: October 28, 2006, 01:10:27 am »
  • Taste the soup of my brain!
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Frankly, I agree with all of you.  But to be fair, my first game was...  well, retarded.  Much more retarded than this.

But I digress.  Alpha365, I am going to offer you a little help and organize/develop your story a little more.

This is what you SHOULD have posted:

I have an idea for a zelda game, but have not currently started yet.  Allow me to explain the story:

Just after the events of Majora's Mask, a vengeful wizard froze Link within the confines of a cube of solidified magic.  Link was supposed to remain within this block forever.  Eons (MORE THAN 100 YEARS) after his freezing, a small gang-torn civilization had blossomed out of a charred wasteland.  A city powered by both electricity and magic laid just miles from where Link's invulnerable magic block rested.  The City was the product of civilizations realization that unchecked magic would destroy the Earth.  This realization occured two hundred years after Majora's Mask, when a dark sorcerer channelled great amounts of solar energy towards the Earth, thereby charring its entire surface.  The Earth is still doomed to be destroyed, though, because the city is ruled by a corrupt king, who is also secretly part of an orginization called "The Pheonix Flame" who plan to use the city's massive magic supply to once again attempt to destroy the Earth.  The only thing that can stop their plan would be to sabotage their magic-chanelling plants and take the king out of power.

One day, a young gang member is attacked by a rival gang.  Forced to flee the city, he takes rest nearby in a cloud of smoke, supposedly left over from "The Great Fire" (When Earth was almost destroyed).  Running blindly through the thick smoke, which for some reason does not cause breathing trouble, he comes upon a small area that the smoke seems to be flowing around.  Looking at the ground, he notices there is a design of three triangles in a pyramaid formation.  HE bends down to examine it more closely, but the ground collapses under him, revealing a small underground tomb.  After exploring the tomb for a time, he comes upon a large block of what resembles ice sitting atop a pedestal.  Another boy about his age appears to be inside it.  The first boy walks closer, placing his hands on the block, to get a good look at the kid inside the "ice".

The ice immediately melts, and the boy inside the ice appears to change form into a fairy, which is revealed to be Link, a hero from ancient myths who stopped "The Great Fire" from destroying all life.  Link guides the boy in a quest to stop "The Pheonix Flame" from destroying the planet.

Main Characters:
  • Kage - The young gang member who discovers Link's eternal resting place.
  • Link - The ancient hero who stopped the fury of "The Great Fire".  He is now a fairy.
  • King Ganon - The overlord of the city, he is the leader of "The Pheonix Flame".  Plans to use the city to destroy the Earth.
  • Prince Nolan - The son of King Ganon.  He detests his father, and when he gets wind of his plan to destroy the world, he begins to sabotage the magic-chanelling plants himself.  (His attempts fail, though)

Disguise System:
In the game, Kage can change his outfit.  He can use this to his advantage most of the time, being able to switch weapons and disguise himself as a gaurd.  Some disguises:
  • Fledgling Hero - Kage's starting Hero outfit.  Uses a steel pipe as a weapon.
  • Amatuer Hero - Kage's second Hero outfit.  Kage has now donned a streamlined version of Link's normal green outfit, except with pants.  Has a normal mechanized steel sword.
  • Experienced Hero - Kage's third Hero outfit.  Kage now is wearing a red version of the Hero outfit.  He now uses the mechanized Master Sword.
  • The Hero - Kage's fourth Hero outfit.  Kage now has a blue version of the Hero outfit, and uses a mechanized Master Sword(With an enchantment from the Great Faeries).
  • The Savior - Kage's fifth Hero outfit.  Kage has temporarily become one with Link by using the Fusion Medallion.  His appearance is is that of Link(blonde hair, green hat) wearing Kage's clothes, with glowing green eyes.  He uses two swords, a lengthened enchanted master sword(offhand) and a blade of solidified magic and electricity.
  • Phantom - Infiltration outfit.  Kage wears a "ninja" costume.  Attached Moon Charm makes Kage invisible when not moving.  Uses a karate chop as a weapon.
  • Sword Master - Kage wears slimmed-down streamlined Samurai armor.  Uses a longsword, is a master of swordplay.  MUST be used on some enemies/bosses to combat their swordplay.

Battle System:

Enemies are magi-electric hybrid robots.  They hold "magi-mechanisms", which are used to power nearly all of your weapons.

Most of your weapons run on "Magi-mechanisms", which are magic-electric batterys that diffuse their power into the next "magi-electric" machine/weapon that touches it, i/e most of your weapons.  When your weapons run out of these magi-mechanisms, your weapons only do 1/4 of the damage they normally do.

It is a normal LttP type battle system, except with magi-mechanisms, or "mame"s for short.

The cut scenes shall be in 3D.

Note how I excluded "Spiderman Link", because no mom in their right mind would actually tell you to do that, and it was obviously your idea.  No offense.  But I have developed the story a little more for you, so much so that you could almost build a game off of my post.  So please take my hint and reorganize and develop your story a little more before you actually begin your game.

And do not do the corndog thing.  Most people will percieve it as completely retarded, and trust me, you do not want these people to think that.
She'll pull out your feathers for her brand new hat and when she's done that she'll feed you to her cat.
People you love will turn their backs on you.  You'll lose your hair, your teeth. Your knife will fall of its sheath, but you still don't like to leave until the end of the movie.
If I threw my guitar out the window, so far down, would I start to regret it?  Or would I smile and watch it slowly fall?
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