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Messages - Darklink45

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Other Projects / Re: [WIP] Katsu - 2D Videogame Library
« on: June 19, 2024, 06:09:34 am »
I didn't get a good idea of what this is.
It isn't a development engine? What is it then?
Thanks! :) in general terms, a game engine integrates a lot of systems that facilitates game development but can be sometimes hard to customize, think of animation systems, phisics system, particle system, collision system, etc. Katsu is a game library (some would call it a game framework), this means that it only supplies a reduced set of functions and resources aimed at game development, this means that you build a game engine on top of Katsu, be it simple or complex. Other libraries in a similar category would be SDL, Allegro and SFML, but Katsu is focused on 2D pixel art based games. An analogy would be: when developing a game for a videogame console, the company that made it would send you an SDK for you to begin production, Katsu would be kind of like the SDK of a fantasy video game console :))

Other Projects / [WIP] Katsu - 2D Videogame Library
« on: June 12, 2024, 09:20:39 am »

Katsu is a light cross-platform C library for 2D video game programming. It includes an API for 2D rendering, a simple input system, and sound output. Tile renderers of old school computers and video game consoles are the basis for Katsu's 2D rendering capabilities.

This has many years in the making, mostly because it has been redesigned and expanded multiple times. For the first time I'm somewhat satisfied with it's design and decided to share it here first (for nostalgic purposes of course). This is only the start of the project of course, but most features are not too far off from being implemented, these include:
  • Rendering done by layers
  • 4bpp 8x8 pixel tile format (Same as GBA tile format)
  • 128 Color palettes, 16 colors each
  • 16 64x64 tilemaps
  • Matrix transformations for tilemaps and sprite
  • Horizontal line effects
  • Window effects
  • Other old-school effects (Mosaic, palette manipulation, etc.)
Note that this is NOT a game engine, this would be what you build a game engine on top of, think of it as an imaginary video game console ;) If I'm not being too optimistic, I believe someone could make cool/small simple 2D games with the current state of the library. Please check it out if you can, the final goal is to have a very easy to use but feature-rich library so any feedback and/or ideas are accepted. This also means that any issues you may have will be addressed (for failed installations or bugs).

Check out the source code and documentation here: https://github.com/fadedled/Katsu

Screenshot from current demo

Now for some Q/A that come to mind...

Q: Why would I use this?
A: While Katsu pales in comparison to other/bigger game engines, the focus of this project is to make an easy to understand, fun and small library that can produce really nice looking 2D sprite graphics, also I believe that it has good potential to become a beginner friendly tool for people who want to do lower level stuff like systems programming. If you want to make a 2D game engine, program a video game from scratch or mess around with the graphics you are free to do so.

Q: Why C tho?
A: I want the library to be quite low level feeling, C is a great way to achieve this. Anyone can create binders for other languages if that suits them better. Also, C is a simple language in terms of syntax which great if you don't want to spend too much time in the language part.

Q: When will it be finished?
A: Eventually...

Q: What about audio?
A: Audio is not a priority at the moment. I will add a simple audio interface for now.

Q: What OS does it support?
A: Currently it only supports Windows and Linux. After the core is finished, porting will be easier so plans of other ports are currently not a priority.

Q: Can <insert old 2D game here> be ported to Katsu?
A: Maybe, you can definitely recreate a ton games from scratch.

Q: How much is it?
A: $0

Graphics / Re: Reworks (and some bonus art)
« on: April 12, 2024, 11:58:19 pm »
Absolutely love all of these, definitely makes me want to draw pixelart again, hope to see more soon!

thanks for the credit btw :,)

Graphics / Re: LTTP resolution BoTW Mockup
« on: January 21, 2024, 07:06:11 pm »
Very nice! Still love seeing these mockups, noticed the blurry background was using actual background tiles :)

Graphics / Re: SpritingBrad´s sprites
« on: February 09, 2022, 12:22:33 am »
I fixed the perspective of the Bellum Sprite I did a while back.
Awesome improvement Brad!
You really nailed the Minish Cap style with the animation :)

Graphics / Re: Bunny Cape
« on: May 11, 2020, 01:47:53 am »
I gave it a shot, tried to keep the palette the same as the alttp bunny (I feel the red is a little too dark). Made two versions of the back view with different heads, I didn't test the animations so I don't know if it looks good yet.

Graphics / Darklink45's Link's Awakening pixel art
« on: April 05, 2020, 11:07:23 pm »
Hi everyone!
I've been wanting to do this for the last year or two, I was going to post this when Link's Awakening for switch was announced but I was lazy lol.

Anyway, here are all the resources I made for the kinda fake Link's Awakening Remake video I posted like 4.5 years ago.
I hope some of you can give them good use. Sadly they're not complete as you can clearly tell :huh:

Graphics / Re: SpritingBrad´s sprites
« on: June 29, 2018, 11:17:53 am »
I think both colors look nice but on the Biggoron palette the third skin tone is a little too bright for me, that can make the sprites look flat.

Isn't Daruk a little too big? :p

Graphics / Re: Zelda Navi Trackers - Redux
« on: April 18, 2017, 11:06:35 pm »
Whoa... This came from the DSiware ROM? NOICE!!! Wonder why this wasn't found within the original version's data...
Actually, I just searched the original and the only ones that appear are the Keese and Zol but no Great Fairy, so I belive they were given an earlier version of the sprite data, or they intended to put in a new Great Fairy.

Graphics / Zelda Four Swords AE unused sprites
« on: April 16, 2017, 03:37:02 am »
So I searched the files of the Zelda: Four Swords Anniversary Edition ROM for unused sprites hoping to find the beta Link sprites, but actually I found some unused sprites:

From top to bottom:
Beta Keese: Keese sprite with a lot of colors and detail, instead of it being just a black bat figure.
Beta Zol: Didn't test the animations so I put the ones that share similar frames in rows.
Great Fairy: A beta great fairy that uses the OOT design, it's really cool to see a MC-styled great fairy, also with great animation.
Note that none of these have their palettes so I gave them modified colors from MC for viewing pleasure.

Graphics / Re: SpritingBrad´s sprites
« on: February 03, 2017, 10:05:53 pm »
It's weird to see my old sprites being used, makes me feel honored :,)
I'm not quite sure which sprite you are refering to when you said they are geing used haha. Recently Ive been trying to make sprites from scratch to challenge myself to improve.
Oh yeah, I meant the TP Ganandorf in Pepeztyle's sprite sheet. Yep, you've been improving a lot, I would say this Ganon is some of your best work, and it's not even finished  :P

Graphics / Re: SpritingBrad´s sprites
« on: February 03, 2017, 05:39:11 am »
I attempted to sprite Ganon from Twilight Princess into Minish cap style. I am using the in-game model as a reference from here.
I was also inspired by Pepeztyle´s Twilight Princess Ganondorf, which you can see in his Ralph sheet here.
It's weird to see my old sprites being used, makes me feel honored :,)
Anyway, that looks incredible Brad! Seems like a daunting tast to complete, just imagine animating that thing.

Graphics / Re: SpritingBrad´s sprites
« on: December 21, 2016, 08:04:28 pm »
Looks real nice, I see a little pillow shading in the big fused shadow, and I might add a darker shade of yellow/red on the body, but I don't remember the in-game model :p

Graphics / Re: Zelda 1 Bosses in MC style
« on: August 28, 2016, 11:55:35 pm »
You never cease to amaze me...

I personally like the fisrt legs better, they look more pig-like and they remind me of the moblin ones.
Thanks a lot Brad :), yeah I made them look like moblin legs, because most MC characters have tiny legs qnd feet.
The FSA edit is the best one in my opinion, maybe a little too dark for MC but the colors are awesome.

Graphics / Re: Zelda 1 Bosses in MC style
« on: August 28, 2016, 07:19:47 pm »
I remade Ganon's body and slightly modified the head, also I edited some of the colors and now we have another slot for an extra color.
I wasn't so sure about the legs and feet so I made two versions. You can decide which is best :)

Graphics / Re: Zelda 1 Bosses in MC style
« on: August 26, 2016, 03:54:44 am »
Sound like fun! ;) I can help out with these, just another excuse to sprite.

Zelda Projects / Re: [Alpha] Zelda Online
« on: August 05, 2016, 05:10:39 am »
This looks really awesome, seems like a great use of the engine you had for EoA.
I'll try out the game :)

Sprites/Tiles / Re: Gerudo Desert and Fortress
« on: July 29, 2016, 08:20:25 am »
So I attempted the arches in the Gerudo fortress, I attached the tiles and a little mock-up so you can see an example of how they work. ;)
I didn't make the water tho.

Graphics / Re: Looking for critique on base animation - Side-scroller
« on: July 09, 2016, 06:36:45 am »
It looks real nice, the motion has good weight. There are minor diferences that I can spot between the legs, the purple one has a soft movement with smooth curves, but the grey one is a strong step, maybe as hard as a stomp (that could be because the body moves down a bit or the hard edges the leg has).

That difference in movement can make the character look like he's limping.

Sprites/Tiles / Re: Gerudo Desert and Fortress
« on: June 13, 2016, 08:08:20 am »
I present to you... THE MIGHTY MC PALM TREE!
Decided it was about time for a palm tree specifically made for Minish Cap. It came out rather fat, but I thought it fit well with the other trees MC had.
If you are going to use it try out other pallettes with the bushes/trees/sand, I think the ones you have are too dark for a desert.

Oh, and I remade the rocks you had  8)

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