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Author Topic: Minecraft 1.5 now out!  (Read 2143 times)

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Minecraft 1.5 now out!
« on: March 15, 2013, 12:47:24 pm »
  • It's the grineer
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Ladies, gentlemen and ZFGCers... I show you the Redstone Update on Minecraft! Yup, that's right: a great update for lazy people that doesn't like to do all the Minecraft things with their own hands. We have quite new blocks, some will help us in the mechanisms, and for the designers out there, we have the Quartz! Since Minecraft lacks Marble, or Granite, Mojang decided to add the Quartz.

Personally, I really like this, since I'll be able to do mechanisms for farms, furnaces and more, and I won't have to be collecting everything being afraid of losing it!

Let's see the most important addings:


Has someone played the Tekkit mod, for Minecraft? Well, if you have, this are like the pipes: anything that falls into it is stuck there, and if you have a chest under, it goes to the chest! Very cool for automatic looting, right?


I, truly, haven't used it yet, but is like a Dispenser, just that it throws every block like if you have dropped it.

Daylight Sensor

Have you ever wanted your light to turn on just at night? Well, with this block you'll be able to do it! While it's daytime, the block will be powered by the sun, and at night, it won't.

That's all for now, though we have much more blocks! If you want to see more, check the Redstone Update!

(I may add more later  XD)


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Re: Minecraft 1.5 now out!
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2013, 07:57:12 pm »
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i need to start playing this again.
  • Crim is Pro!
Re: Minecraft 1.5 now out!
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2013, 12:43:51 am »
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Not trying to be rude, but people still play Minecraft?  I could never get into it at all.  Really tried to for a couple hours.  Got bored pretty quick.

Only fun I had playing "Minecraft"(was a rip-off, Total Miner or something) was on 360 and in splitscreen mode as my friends and I built the mansion from Resident Evil Director's Cut for PSX.

Well, hope the updates are nice for you Crafters. :)
  • Super Fan Gamers!
Re: Minecraft 1.5 now out!
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2013, 01:58:18 am »
  • It's the grineer
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Not trying to be rude, but people still play Minecraft?  I could never get into it at all.  Really tried to for a couple hours.  Got bored pretty quick.

Only fun I had playing "Minecraft"(was a rip-off, Total Miner or something) was on 360 and in splitscreen mode as my friends and I built the mansion from Resident Evil Director's Cut for PSX.

Well, hope the updates are nice for you Crafters. :)

Well, little to none people plays the vanilla minecraft, since lots of people prefer using mods, or playing custom maps, but everybody plays the multiplayer, since all the plugins, and stuff, make the game a greater thing, as there are plugins that add wars, and others that make it more MMO-like.
Re: Minecraft 1.5 now out!
« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2013, 05:06:44 am »
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Alone it can get boring, as after all, the game doesn't guide you through anything, so it all depends on you, but with friends and wanting to try and  do something, you can end up spending tens of hours on it easily. I've been playing FTB (feed the beast, a huge pack of mods), which has given the game hundreds times more content, with lots of more complex stuff, and using the mindcrack pack, which is the hardest one, so you always end up doing a billion other things for hours just in order to get one "simple" thing done. Say, building a quarry, which is a machine that digs a big hole for you (which needs a lot of set up with engines, which need their own fuel etc too, and stuff to sort/store all the stuff dug up automatically), lead me off to piping oil, refining it, which lead to searching for deserts to get cacti to make waterproofing for pipes, but not finding any so going with bees wax to do so, leading to raising bees to get their wax and all sorts of other stuff like that. And that's just for the fuel for the engines, let alone the stuff needed to make the stuff neded to make the quarry itself haha. It just doesn't end, and no matter how long I play, there's always TONS of stuff that I have no clue about. Very easy to lose huge amounts of time with it lol

  • .hack//The World
Re: Minecraft 1.5 now out!
« Reply #5 on: March 16, 2013, 05:56:52 am »
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Apparently my friends don't know how to try fun things, because they tried to get me to like it and I was soooo bored, and I REALLY tried to like it. There's a Hunger Games mod that I did very much enjoy though, because that had some intensity to it and it was fun trying to survive against other players. I just don't care about building things for the sake of making a massive whatever and stock piling up resources for what? Nothing? I need a use for my stuff, which is why I liked that Hunger Games mod, because I knew I could use the resources I got to win the game (I never did win because everyone else I played against played MC waaay more than me, but it was still fun), and I had to be clever in how I used my resources. If there is no finishing goal where I can be victorious (the dragon just isn't the same), then the drive to gather resources simply isn't there for me. I'm sure there are more mods that I would enjoy, but for the most part Minecraft really isn't my game. Major respect towards Notch for making a successful game though. Not everyone loves every game, even if they are good. Minecraft is good, it's just not my cup of tea. It's more like my cup of coffee, and I don't like coffee, but other people love it and are addicted to it like you wouldn't believe. XD
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Re: Minecraft 1.5 now out!
« Reply #6 on: March 16, 2013, 06:29:23 am »
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I too do not care all that much about building art. If it was the "classic" minecraft, with just placing/removing blocks and that being the end of it, while cool, I'd get bored very fast. I thought that's all it was about for the longest time and never got into it either. Then I found out about the survival aspect of it all, which made the game grow on me hugely.

But yeah, exactly. Playing with an objective is where the fun is at imo, like getting resources to enable you to survive better against other players in a battle royale like situation. Collecting !@#$% just for the hell of collecting it is very silly to me too. I never did play the vanilla game all THAT much, but FTB lately really has gotten me hooked. Just the curiosity of what something is/does and the challenge of being able to make it/put it to use naturally seems to lead to hours of fun, which is why I choose to also play the hard difficulty pack (mindcrack), because you cannot easily make what not, you have to work for it, which is where the gameplay is. I'm sure it'd get boring if I managed to easily get what I wanted, for me at least anyway.

  • .hack//The World


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Re: Minecraft 1.5 now out!
« Reply #7 on: March 16, 2013, 07:19:21 am »
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if i play it with an objective in mind, i have fun. but if i don't i get bored quite easily, and if i am playing alone. need that multiplayer.
  • Crim is Pro!
Re: Minecraft 1.5 now out!
« Reply #8 on: March 16, 2013, 02:56:04 pm »
  • It's the grineer
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The objective now would be defeat the Ender Dragon, or the Wither, which was the new boss from the last update. Also, the Adventure Mode is something that makes it better, since someone makes the map, and you play it, and you can't destroy! It's as the name says: Survival Adventure, in which you'll fight different mobs.
Re: Minecraft 1.5 now out!
« Reply #9 on: March 16, 2013, 05:52:31 pm »
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Pretty sure the objective is to just get done what you want to, while surviving. When I first played (properly), it was to find a safe house (which I found in a cave, not the best idea) and get coal for torches. After that, it was to make a light house so I could find my way back home as I kept getting lost when it got dark and it just kept going on from there. Now in FTB it was to make that quarry I mentioned above, which sent me on a wild goose chase for tens of hours doing all sorts.

Ah yeah, adventure mode maps. I played some ones where you had to figure out puzzles to proceed to the next room and so on. Can't remember their names, but they were very good and I'm sure there's much more and better now too :D

  • .hack//The World
Re: Minecraft 1.5 now out!
« Reply #10 on: March 16, 2013, 06:03:59 pm »
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Yeah, I didn't play the FTB mod, but I played another ones called Tekkit and Terrafirma, or so. The first one was more industrial-like, and the last one, a bit more realist, as you had to cook the ores, let them cold, give them shape, and so. Also, the mine could fall down if it wasn't supported.
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