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Messages - cb43569

Pages: 1 ... 118 119 [120]
Other Discussion / Re: Best kind of chocolate? YOU DECIDE!
« on: April 23, 2006, 07:17:24 pm »
I like Praline chocolate - white and milk chocolate in swirls, but not mixed. Layered, but on the same layer, like.

I voted Dark and Milk, but I think the winner really would be... BELGIAN CHOCOLATE.

Other Projects / Re: Jumpy - Jump to the Highest Score! [DEMO 2!!!!]
« on: April 22, 2006, 07:23:23 pm »
sorry about to say but your graphics realy s*ck dude. there is 3 errors on the game, and why you have a trainer for it?.

btw. your game idea is cool, try to make better graphics. those are s*cking my eyes
Lol, the point of the graphics is to remind you of the SNES games. With mario and all that. I thought these graphics were actually pleasing (I am taking a break from GameCube).

Um, the SNES games had much better graphics than that. 16-bit system, remember? It looks more like the NES (8-bit system, hmm?).

Discussion / The Legend of Zelda: Ages of Link
« on: April 19, 2006, 05:59:24 pm »
The Legend of Zelda: Ages of Link

The Idea

What is Ages of Link, you might ask? Well, it's a Zelda game. But what's so special about it? Well, it actually begins with menu. Well, really a title screen and a file select first, then the menu. The menu allows the player to select... a game. One of three Zelda games that Nintendo created, remade exclusively for Ages of Link. You select it, you play it, you love it.

The Poll

Of course, I can't just choose the three games myself! This is a poll for the games YOU want to see in Ages of Link. You can have 5 votes and change your mind whenever you want.

Will it work?

Sure, I'm already working on a couple of games, but sometimes I'll need a break from one of them. Actually, more than sometimes. As of today, I am pausing the creation of Movie Inventor and A Quest for A Kingdom until, well, I get an idea for one of them.

Graphics & Sound

I shall be using music and sound effects from Ocarina of Time... and sorta graphics from it, too. If you've seen Andor something's graphics in the Zelda Graphics section, you'd have been amazed with his imagery - well, I've been using Animget with OoT on Project64 emulator, and drawing over Link, to get a very similar effect, which looks absoloutely beautiful!

What do I have to do?

Just vote :)!

Zelda Projects / Re: LOZ: Hall of the Dead - UPDATE
« on: April 17, 2006, 11:13:13 am »
Hey, cool, it's looks pretty good :). I didn't really like the Zelda game you made before (no offense, but I didn't), but this looks a little more promising. The only thing that I found confusing was this, though:

Um, when you said "aurora" did you actually mean "aura"? Because aurora is just the northern lights, the night rainbow, etc.

Entertainment / Re: Scary Zelda
« on: April 15, 2006, 04:12:44 pm »
Majora's Mask Alien Attack: Okay I got a thing for aliens as it is and having them in a Zelda game came completely out of left field.

You've got an alien thing :(...? It's probably nothing compared to my alien thing... When the lights are off in the corridor, I always run instead of walking, in fear, when there's nobody in the room but me and my reflection, I have fear...


I think that there's a scary bit in OoT at night, when the wolves howl, there's a bit of wood, or trees, area, near the Kokiri Forest, but not quite, that when you hide there, the Stalfos kids are... approaching, quickly.

Entertainment / Gyakuten Saiban Codes - help please!
« on: April 12, 2006, 11:02:19 am »
Does anybody here know where I can get Action Replay or GameShark codes for the Japanese Phoenix Wright 1 game (Gyakuten Saiban). There's a big bunch of codes for Japanese games on CodeJunkies.com but it's in the Japanese alphabet so I don't know which one is Gyakuten Saiban.

« on: April 12, 2006, 10:54:59 am »
I didn't get to see them either :'(. *sniffle*.

Whitmage, did you just say you found them? Please :)?

Zelda Projects / Re: LOZ: Hall of the Dead
« on: April 06, 2006, 10:46:19 am »
It looks really simple, yet really good!
Good work, mate! I can't wait for a demo version.

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